Friday, October 5, 2012

Hello! Iron Girl here!

Before we get started, I would like to thank rudolphh10 for putting a link for my blog in her recent post. And I would like to recommend you check out hers! (link at bottom)

So, today is the third day of 'An Avenger for Christ.' if you've been reading for the last three days, I really appreciate it.

Today is Hawkeye. *Reminder, today was supposed to be Thor, but since he's a 'god' I've decided to leave him out.*

So, Hawkeye in the beginning of the movie, is taken over by Loki and is forced to do his bidding. Then when he and other peeps invade the ship, Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) fights him, knocks him over the head and brings him back to his senses.

Hawkeye's 'power' is he is an excellent marksmen, several times throughout the movie, his arrows turn into different weapons. One is a bomb, another hacked a computer, and yet another he used as a grappling hook. So, pretty awesome right? Yup, I agree.

So, as a Christian, Satan is like the Chitari army, he's trying to make us stumble and get our focus off of God. Imagine a target, imagine that is God. [Not comparing God to a piece of paper, this just works for my example.] You need to keep a steady aim on God, follow him no matter what the world thinks or does. Satan will do anything to get you thinking what the world thinks instead of what God wants you to do.

Keep your 'arrow' pointed at the bullseye, dive into God's word and then use that knowledge to fight Satan.

In Acts, Paul and Silas preached at Berea, the people there were so eager to learn, they dove into scripture and many of them believed that day.

So, keep your mind and arrows sharp for the constant battle! ;)

Acts 17:11
These Jews were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they eagerly received the message, examining the scriptures carefully every day to see if these things were so. 

Thanks for reading, and I promise a much longer post tomorrow!

-Iron Girl 4 God

To Peace!

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